Tag: educational choice

Look what can sprout when school districts embrace education choice
MIAMI – Christopher Bermudez likes plants. Like, really likes plants. The thought of reviving a droopy sprig of mizuna inspired the 17-year-old to riff: “When you kind of have faith in the plants, and you keep taking care of it, and you see it spring back up to life, that’s... LEER MÁSFrom public school teacher to rebel for educational choice
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – First day of school. Pick-up time. As...
LEER MÁSGo & grind: School choice gives this principal a platform to inspire
MIAMI – Little Havana is in a hurry. Long before...
LEER MÁSCustomization is now arriving
Teaching customized to the developmental needs of each child has...
LEER MÁSParent: Education savings account gives us freedom, flexibility, hope
We thought redefinED readers would enjoy the following essay about...
LEER MÁSThe end of “school choice”
The annual American Federation for Children conference is one of...
LEER MÁSIt’s opening day for new parental choice program in Florida
One parent told us it was a blessing. Another said...
LEER MÁSBrickman: Course choice can modernize, customize education
Imagine if parents could pick and choose individual courses for...
LEER MÁSPrepping for the course choice wave
Don’t look now, but a bigger, faster and potentially more...