Florida schools roundup: teacher unions, teacher pay, school spending & more

Private schools. The principal of Seminole High in Pinellas is leaving to take the top job at Indian Rocks Christian. Gradebook.

Charter schools. Funding for charters, vouchers and tax credit scholarships figure into Duval’s budget considerations. First Coast News.

florida roundup logoKiera Wilmot. Mom: “We’ve been a living a nightmare.” Orlando Sentinel.

Teacher unions. FEA files a motion for rehearing on dismissed SB 736 suit, reports Gradebook. Fedrick Ingram, the new president of the Miami-Dade teacher union, is sworn in, reports the Miami Herald.

Teacher conduct. The Broward County school district should have stopped a middle school teacher from having sex with one of her students, the victim’s family alleges in a lawsuit. Miami Herald.

Teacher pay. The Tallahassee Democrat follows the email trail between the FEA and Gov. Rick Scott’s office over the shape of teacher pay raises in the waning days of the legislative session.

School boards. The Palm Beach County School Board is at odds with one of its members and Superintendent Wayne Gent over where to put an all-male choice academy. Palm Beach Post.

School spending. Manatee Superintendent Rick Mills says layoffs are coming. Bradenton Herald, Sarasota Herald Tribune.

School districts. Who’s high performing? Gradebook.

Grade recovery. Duval Superintendent Nikolai Vitti wants to do away with a program he says is too easy and creates unnecessary paperwork for teachers. Florida Times Union.

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BY Ron Matus

Ron Matus is director of Research & Special Projects at Step Up for Students and a former editor of redefinED. He joined Step Up in February 2012 after 20 years in journalism, including eight years as an education reporter with the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times).